
6 Ways to Decrease Your Electricity Bill

A number of appliances in the Philippines like televisions may be affordable; but the electricity costs they can generate sometimes are just too expensive for a regular Filipino family.

This is especially true in the latter part of the year because the holidays are coming up. Everyone in the household must contribute in bringing down the electricity costs by following simple everyday practices. 

How to Deal with a Difficult Customer

5 Points
In the Philippines, the number of customer acquisition services and business process outsourcing companies are growing. This is particularly because of the current good economic standing of the country. As a result, more and more people are being hired as call center representatives.
Having this job title can both be a blessing and a curse – depending on how you would look at it.

Saudi Boy

Saudi BoyAre you an Overseas Filipino Worker? a Balikbayan? Or do you know someone who works abroad? I'm sure most of us know at least one, right?

Well, this article is for all the hardworking Pinoys abroad, Super heroes, if you may, who dared to literally go beyond the distance just to provide a decent and more comfortable life to their dependents back home.

The Ten Secrets of Life

Secret of LifeToday, you'll discover the ten power secrets of life that goes beyond investing and business. But who knows? You might become a better investor after reading them! But, nah, they're not as exciting as you might think. It might even bore you. But that's the secret right there! The no non-sense simplicity of these secrets is what make them more powerful!

The Opportunity Building

The Opportunity BuildingOne day, John received an invitation from a friend to check out this building called, “The Opportunity Building”. “John, you need to see this! It boasts different investment and money-making opportunities every floor!”, his friend told him over the phone.
One week later, he decided to check the building out of curiosity and excitement.

The Reunion

The Reunion
Four BFFs re-connected on a social networking site and decided to meet after 5 long years. They were college buddies that shared the same sentiments of growing up from a happy and a sometimes-chicken-sometimes-egg-dish kind of family.

Although they came from the same school and earned the same degree, they each took a different path after college.

A Broke Man's Playlist

Patingin-tingin, di naman makabili.
Patingin-tingin, 'di makapanood ng sine!
Walang ibang pera, kundi pamasahe!
Nakayanan ko lang, pambili ng dalawang yosi.
Paamoy-amoy, di naman makakain.
Busog na sa tubig, gutom ay lilipas din..

The Rules of Life for New Graduates

Today, I'll be sharing these outside-the-class rules for the thousands of newly grads out there. Experience will teach them best about what real life is, but a little disclaimer of the world they'd soon be facing might be a little help, right?
Some have said this was from Bill Gates' talk to high school graduates but probably he did not say this unless he quoted Charles Sykes.

10 Financial Resolutions to Help You Save

Planning for the year
What can you say about your financial state last year? The answer to this question can help you get an overview of what you want to achieve financially this year based on actual personal instances and figures.

Did you hit your savings goals? Did you decrease your credit card debt or loan payments? Did you wish that you achieved more last year?

The Fourth Doll

Sage - a wise old man
sage (wise old man), presented a prince with a set of three small dolls. As you would have thought, the prince was not amused. “Am I a girl that you give me dolls?”, he asked.

“This is a gift for a future king,” said the sage. “If you look carefully, you’ll see a hole in the ear of each doll.” The sage handed him a piece of string.

EntrepZone.com: Helping SMEs Go Forward

No one wants to read about failed businesses. Everyone wants to read about the next Henry Sy or Jack Ma, but most of the time, things don't work out as planned for the business owner. 

When we started our home-based business, we’ve always had that vision to grow the business and succeed.

Things That Adults Spend Too Much On

Squeezed Wallet
It has only been a few months since your first ever paycheck. The money seems a lot at first but you find yourself living paycheck to paycheck, or even struggling to survive till the next month. 

This is a situation that is not exclusive to you. Many young adults are having trouble managing their finances and they tend to spend a little bit too much on unnecessary things.

The Parable of Stewardship: Revisited

The Parable of Stewardship
A wealthy man goes to a faraway land to build a new housing project to expand his business,  and he'll be gone for three years. So he summoned his three faithful servants and gave each one hundred thousand pesos.

“Take this with you and grow my money as much as you can for I shall collect them with interest when I come back exactly three years from now.”, he declared.

AXA iON - 3 Steps to Financial Freedom

AXA iONThey say there's “IF” in LIFE: either you die too soon or you live too long! How do you prepare for both possibilities? IF it's too soon, getting a life insurance is arguably your best choice to make sure your loved ones are taken care of even when you're gone.

IF it's too long, saving, investing and getting a health insurance are your best options to help you face the cost of living a long life.

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