
Wealth & Wisdom Circle with Fitz Villafuerte!

Fitz Villafuerte
I'm so excited to announce that this blog, Piso and Beyond will now feature individuals who have contributed to the improvement of our financial awareness! 

These are the people we really look up to -- investors, authors, bloggers, financial advocates, businessmen, entrepreneurs, artists -- role models in their own, big way! I call it the Wealth & Wisdom Circle series.

Piso and Beyond will feature at least one of them by asking 25 Questions about success, results, sales, marketing, personal finance and life in general. Some questions will aim to reveal their human side to show that regardless of how successful and influential they may be, they're just a bunch of normal people like us and that whatever success or fulfilling life they have now is nothing but a result of their continuous work, learning and dedication to their passion. 

These are the people who share that vision to help us change the way we think and see things for a brighter life ahead of us.

And what better way to kick start this feat than to have the man who has very well inspired me to write and learn more about the world of personal finance, Fitz Villafuerte!

 About Fitz Villafuerte
Fitz Gerard Villafuerte, RFP is a civil engineer who decided to quit the corporate world back in 2003 to pursue entrepreneurship. His blog, Ready To Be Rich, has won several awards including the Best Business and Finance Blog at the Philippine Blog Awards
He has also been recognized by Moneysense Magazine as among the Top 12 Most Influential People in Personal Finance in the Philippines. He is a Registered Financial Planner and a resource speaker for corporate and socio-civic organizations in the country where he actively promotes entrepreneurship and financial literacy. 

Fitz is also the author of the book, “The Ready To Be Rich Guide To Investing”, which he written specifically to help us learn how to invest effectively and achieve our financial goals. One chapter at a time, it will teach us the concrete steps we must take to grow our wealth and become financially free!

On life in general..

1. Who are the top 3 persons you look up to as your mentors?

Fitz Villafuerte

2. If you were to remake a Hollywood film and you will be given the right to change how that movie ended, what movie would it be and how would you want to end it differently?
Fitz Villafuerte

3. SM has We’ve got it all for you! while Sun Life has Life is brighter under the sun and Mercury Drug has Nakasisiguro, gamot ay laging bago. What would be yours?
Fitz Villafuerte

On success and results..

4. What is the most significant event in your life that made you commit to be the person you are today?
Fitz Villafuerte

5. If you were 70 years old, what would you tell your grand/children about passing up on opportunities?
Fitz Villafuerte

6. Arrange the following results you would prefer to get out of working with people: money fame relationship commitment - learning.
Fitz Villafuerte

On personal finance..

7. What's your biggest regret in your financial life thus far?
Fitz Villafuerte

8. What's your biggest investing mistake? What happened?
Fitz Villafuerte

9. If you are a business or an investment, what would you be? Why?
Fitz Villafuerte

10. If I will give you 1 Million Pesos today out of generosity for giving time to answer my questions, what’s the first thing you would want to do with it?
Fitz Villafuerte

11. If you were to own an island and become its eventual leader, what would be the top 3 financial rules of your island?
Fitz Villafuerte

12. If you're a lawmaker, what bill would you propose (in line with uplifting the financial consciousness of the Filipino people)?
Fitz Villafuerte

On sales and marketing..

13. What made you realize you have a knack for selling or marketing?
Fitz Villafuerte

14. What are your top 3 rules when it comes to prospecting?
Fitz Villafuerte

15. What's your take with people who think that sales and marketing is for cheap, uneducated and dishonest people?
Fitz Villafuerte

16. Have you ever lied about the product you sell or the company you represent and paid the price later for doing so? If YES, what happened and how did you survive? If NO, how were you able to achieve such feat?
Fitz Villafuerte

17. What's the worst objection you had where you failed to justify your cause or stand your ground? If presented with that same objection or situation again, how would you handle it now?
Fitz Villafuerte

18. You’re on a date with your partner or special someone. If you saw a big fish on the other table that you've been eyeing for quite a long time and your he-will-say-yes-now barometer turned green, what will you do?
Fitz Villafuerte

19. If you would be given an opportunity to sell any product or service (e.g. book, insurance, machine, car, condo, island, medicine, movie, soap, etc.) other than what you do or sell now and you'd still get the same or higher level of success, what would that product or service be and why?
Fitz Villafuerte

20. Imagine a bottle of medicine that could heal anything. How would you sell it to me in 1 to 3 sentences?
Fitz Villafuerte

Oh wait! Just for the heck of it..

21. If you could have a day on Earth where you could do one thing as much as you wanted, what would it be?
Fitz Villafuerte

22. If you could sing one song on The Voice, what would it be?
Fitz Villafuerte

23. If you were on an island and could only bring three things, what would you bring?
Fitz Villafuerte

24. What would you rather have: Pogi Problems or Piso Problems? Why?
Fitz Villafuerte

25. Lastly, if there was an episode in Magpakailanman or MMK about your life, who would play you and what would be its title?
Fitz Villafuerte

- o0o -

Thank You and More Power, Sir Fitz!


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  1. john michaelSeptember 07, 2014

    nice new post!!. i liked fitz blog also im a subscriber of his blog and planning to buy his first book coz im starting to hear good feedback. i hope someone post a good book review about this book soon. thanks for the share and keep it up!!!!!

    1. nabasa ko na yung book. i think sulit naman yung 500 na presyo. i would give it 4 out of 5 rating

  2. I liked most of your questions, they bring something fresh with the Q@A type of thing, I was expecting the usual questions of how was the guy able to make some millions or why did he do this or that, but instead you dropped something unique. Now go thank Fitz for his light yet genuine take on most of his answers ;-)

  3. Congrats on your new section/post Jeff!

    Who's next?? :-D

  4. nice, i enjoyed fitz answers

  5. this is very fun and unique. :)


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