
How to Deal with #PogiProblems

One awkward and naughty moment and you know what you're dealing with. The move is either a make or a break on most of us (men), which often leaves us wonder What's the best thing to do when such situation presents itself? 

How do you deal with pogi problems? I've shortlisted a few of these moments and asked a member of the pogi clan to help me solve our dilemma.

How? By simply expressing their straight and (hopefully) honest opinion (could be based on experience) on what's the best thing to do or say given the situation.

While their opinions may either be a hit or a miss from a gentleman or a “pogi” stand point, their thoughts were sure to be worth your vindication. Would I recommend them to be included in any of the existing men's code & guide to hooking up or “pogi dictionary”? Nah...I'm creating a new one, and I'm calling it -- pogipedia.

PogimometerIn an attempt to make things look a little objective, I've created (after some series of consultations with ladies) a short score card chart which we would label as pogimometer.

None of these matter of course, I'm just trying to add credibility to my respondents. Ha-ha! On a serious note, I owe them a lot for taking the courage to take the challenge. Kudos!

Now meet the members of our panel:

Aaron is an investor, blogger, technopreneur and a band member.
Aaron's Pogimometer

Chino is a call center agent, philanthropist and an entrepreneur.
Chino's Pogimometer

Jeboy is an IT consultant, businessman and an advertiser.
Jeboy's Pogimometer

Joals is a dreamer, doer and goal-oriented person who holds a passion for music.
Joal's Pogimometer

Juancho works as a desktop engineer and is an avid sports fan.
Juancho's Pogimometer

Gio is an IT professional, food enthusiast and a videoke master.
V's Pogimometer

Now for the much awaited part -- our very own pogi problems and the answers to each!

Let's get it on!

#1. It’s your girl's birthday. You and her friends were sleeping on the same room when your passionate kissing took the turns to hot street. Now she's begging you to do it on the bathroom that is inside the very same room where you and her friends were in. Screw it?

Maybe yes, maybe no. Yes kung hindi na kaya pero as much as possible no. We can do it in other places.

Yes! I think I'll feel nervous but that for sure will add excitement in our relationship. Considering that her friends were already asleep, we'll do it passionately but discreet. And even if they figure out that we're having sex in the bathroom, I'm sure its not a big deal for them 'coz my girl and I are both in the right age to do that. It's her birthday, it's what she wanted to do, who am I to say no to that? LOL

Yes of course I’ll be into it as long as I know we can finish what we started. If there is a doubt that some of her friends be an interruption then better not do it at all. We will just be annoyed for the rest of the night.

Very good question! Almost had a brain freeze when I read your very first question, so I am answering based on experience (sort of). Why do it on the bathroom, they’re all sleeping right? It’s more exhilarating.

#2. Someone from the past, though not necessarily your ex, is inviting you for a drink. Yes, she's not your ex, but you guys did something you and your ex did pretty well. Will you go?

No. Loyal ako.

No. We will just end up talking about our past. It's kinda awkward for me.

Yes! I'm on this as long as she is not on the same circle of friends as I am because of tsismis. Somebody has to maintain their reputation. If she's not on the same circle of friends, I’m in as long as she’s hot.

No brainer! Yes!

#3. Your date is way too smart you can hardly keep up with the conversation that excites her well. Well, being pogi is one thing, being bibo is another. How would you dodge such bullet?

This type of girl is the alpha-female type. In my experience, if you want to get lucky for the night, it is best to let them play the dominant role. Act interested and don’t forget to praise her. These efforts will greatly increase your chance for the night.

Banatan mo ng corny na joke or pick-up lines. It always works.

Some bullets like that cannot be dodged so I'll probably hit her back with a joke hoping to ease the pressure and break her train of thought then avert the conversation to a different topic so I can regain composure and take control of the situation.

This is challenging for me. I would have swerved the conversation into my advantage, but if that doesn’t work then I’ll just politely ask to skip conversation and suggest that we move on to really know each other.

#4. How would you respond when she asks something like Pa'no 'pag naging 'tayo'?

Her question is already a confirmation that she’s interested for a relationship. If I like her, my pogi line would be Ah hindi pa ba?  then follow up with a smile. If the girl is not a gf material, I would just laugh at her.

We'll never know unless we try.

It's a choice not chance.

Wow, tayo na? Kung gusto mo pwede nating pag-usapan yung ground rules.

#5. It's late night and it's time for both of you to call it a first date, but you sensed she's reluctant to go home yet. Will you give what is due or go home without a fight?

Go home. First date dapat gentleman ka muna.

Well, i'll just ask her where she wanna go and we'll go where she wanna be. But i'll make sure that I won't take advantage of the situation in anyways. Respect.

I’ll sacrifice my body again for the greater good.

No brainer. Let’s just do it. It is actually the last one on the agenda before you call it a night.

#6. She just gave you anywhere for an answer on where she'd want to go (with you) next.     Where do you end up driving her?

Now I’m the boss! #AlamNa


At my house.

If her answer is anywhere, I'll ask her what she wanted to do, I need an idea of what her likes are. From her answer, I will know where to go next.

#7. The lady on the next table is having an obvious attempt to hook with you. How will you catch the bait without compromising your date?

Risk vs reward. If my date is better, I won’t take the risk. If not, I’ll wait for my date or the other girl to go to the CR and find a way to bump into the target.

No.  Be a man. You already have a date.

Go to the restroom and signal the lady to follow me then ask for her number so I can call her after my date.

I already have a date. I'm the guy who sticks to one person. Just don't mind that girl on the other table. She's not worth the time especially if she's trying to hook up with me which in her case is a total stranger . It's really not worth it.

#8. Sex brings a relationship to the next level. True or False? Why?

Relationships with sex are generally good but I heard that sex without relationship is better. ;)

True. Intimate moments deepen the connection and bond between the two of you.

True! That's the moment where both of you are closest to each other. If that happens, it only means that you trust each other that much.

It is not a relationship when you have not done so. Having sex with your partner also tells you how compatible you are with each other. It is such a waste of time if you have waited a long time and end up not having to enjoy each other’s company.

#9. The woman your friend is trying to win kept on sending signals no man can irrevocably refuse. Do and die?

Bro code first.

Die. Loyalty is the key for a good relationship.

Loyalty to friend 1st.

Well, he wouldn’t be my friend if he didn’t understand what I had to do.

#10. You found out that your friend is bound to break the bro code. Apparently, the adonis within you has triggered this coming out of closet favoring an impending bye-Julio-hello-Julie kind of thing. What would you do?


Thanks, but no thanks.

Ewan pero dyahe yun.

Spray him some holy water.

Nothing. This could be well within my favor too.

#11. In order of their importance to you, arrange the following: abs, heart, humor and wallet. Justify.

a. Wallet - you can get gym membership for the abs.
    You can enroll in theater acting for the heart and humor.
b. Humor – The genuine humor is inborn.
c. Heart – This can be controlled. A matter of choice.
d. Abs – My time is precious and masarap kumain LOL

Humor, wallet, heart and abs.

a. Heart - Obviously, it pumps the blood throughout the body.
b. Humor - adds significant positive effect in one's life.
    Plus girls love guys with sense of humor!
c. Wallet - They say money can't buy happiness, but it can buy a Mustang, a mansion,
    an iPad Air and chocolate cakes and I think I'll be fine with those.
d. Abs - Ang tunay na lalake, walang abs. (Do I need to elaborate?)

There is no humor in having no money, it’s just sad. And when you’re sad, your heart will also suffer. So, wallet, humor, heart then abs. Abs is just a dream, don’t waste your time on it.

#12. How would you ask her to go with you on somewhere cold in not an awkward manner?

Hey, lamigin ka ba? You know, I know this place na masarap ang pancit. Tutal mejo matraffic pa nman why don’t we rest for a while?

Tell her straight. Malalaman mo naman kung sasama sayo ang girl, depende sa situation yan.

Just keep it short, simple and straight to the point. Let's go somewhere cold. Ang init dito.

Just ask, trust me, it’s not awkward. She’s maybe just waiting for you to ask.

#13. Someone from your circle, but totally stranger to your bedroom (neither your girl nor one of your ex or flings) asks you Anong gusto mong kapalit? or Pa’no kita mababayaran?. How do you ask an indecent proposal in exchange of a previous favor you did for her?

ME: Ano bang pwedeng kapalit?
Then she’ll probably answer Anything..
ME: You know, ‘anything’ is a very dangerous word.

Then depending on her answer or her personality, I’ll find a way to ask jokingly or seriously: How about if pumunta tayo somewhere private then we’ll do whatever we want?

Wala. Let it pass. May darating pang mga sitwasyon na doon mo kukunin yung kapalit na gusto mo.

Stare at her for 5 seconds then give her a grin and say You know what I want.

See answer in no. 12. Seriously, you’ll be the one doing her a favor.

- o0o -

What did I miss?

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  1. bakit ako nde kasama? ahaHA!

  2. Haha. the answers from the other guys are so FAKE!! #realtalk

  3. ., so meron pa palang gentleman ngayon? hihi

  4. Sana pala tinanggap ko ung offer ni jeff hehehe dre great job count me in nxt tym Tortoise for life

  5. AnonymousJune 26, 2014

    This makes me laugh he he
    Thanks Sir Jeff
    Graceylo :-)


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