Most business advise would start from telling you about the location and the amount of capital that you'll need, and they were for good reasons.
Starting a softdrinks (and beer) dealership business, of course, is no exemption. But aside from the location and money, you'll also need a ton of patience, hardwork and a lot of network.
To save you time from learning the basics of running this kind of business, allow me to teach you as much as I can in this article.
Please note that everything you're about to read are all based on the author's years of personal knowledge and experience from managing a softdrinks and beer dealership (wholesale, retail and delivery) business.
Market Saturation
Starting a softdrinks (and beer) dealership business, of course, is no exemption. But aside from the location and money, you'll also need a ton of patience, hardwork and a lot of network.
To save you time from learning the basics of running this kind of business, allow me to teach you as much as I can in this article.
Please note that everything you're about to read are all based on the author's years of personal knowledge and experience from managing a softdrinks and beer dealership (wholesale, retail and delivery) business.
Market Saturation
At some point, I'm sure you've already heard or will be hearing a lot of this, “Naku, marami nang nag-gaganyan sa'tin.” True enough, when we started our softdrinks business, there were a lot of discouraging thoughts that we naively entertained, particularly those about our market already being saturated. But we refused to let go of our idea and pushed on! Indeed, you need to be stubborn and positive to get what you want in today's world full of “Naku, baka malugi ka. Buti pa ganito nalang.”
But that's not to say that you just carry on without doing your homework. We pushed on with our plan because we studied the market and did some risk analysis. We started from an initial twenty thousand peso capital and grew the business steadily. Fast forward today, the business is still thriving, thanks to our commitment to grow our entrepreneurial spirit and the business.
Know your suppliers
This would have to be your very first step when you've finally decided that you really wanted to do this kind of business. Normally, big companies (such as San Miguel Brewery) only allow one direct dealer per town or municipality. So the first thing you should take a look at is if there's already an existing dealer for the brand in your place. There's a very slim chance that your area has no direct dealer of SMB yet, so if this is the case, then start as soon as you can! However, if there's already one, then that means you can only apply to become a sub-dealer of that particular brand. In short, instead of the mother company directly dealing with you, their dealer will accommodate you.
You also need to consider the terms of the supplier. Some are OK with mixing-up their products with other brands, while others are more strict and only want you to sell their products exclusively. From my personal experience, don't go into such terms, because you need to sell all brands available as possible. Customers would not want to buy Brand A from you and then go to another store to buy brand B (unless the price difference is really big). In addition, the terms of minimum purchase for delivery may vary. Some suppliers require a minimum of 30 cases for them to deliver, while others may require higher.
You also need to consider the terms of the supplier. Some are OK with mixing-up their products with other brands, while others are more strict and only want you to sell their products exclusively. From my personal experience, don't go into such terms, because you need to sell all brands available as possible. Customers would not want to buy Brand A from you and then go to another store to buy brand B (unless the price difference is really big). In addition, the terms of minimum purchase for delivery may vary. Some suppliers require a minimum of 30 cases for them to deliver, while others may require higher.
Price is King
As of this posting, here are the prevailing market price (range) of most of the common brands available (drum rolls):
Coca-Cola Philippines
Mismo (Coke/Royal/Sprite/Sarsi/Sparkle) - P108/pack (12)
Sakto - P112/case (24)
8oz. (Sprite/Royal) - P125/case (24)
8oz. (Sprite/Royal) - P125/case (24)
Kasalo (Coke/Royal/Sprite) - P170/case (12)
Sparkle Mega - P152/case (12)
Sparkle 8oz. - P125/case (24)
Coke Litro - P224/case (12)
Sparkle Mega - P152/case (12)
Sparkle 8oz. - P125/case (24)
Coke Litro - P224/case (12)
PET (1.5L Coke/Royal/Sprite) - P600/pack (12)
Wilkins 6L - P78/pc
Wilkins 6L - P78/pc
Pepsi 8oz. - P112/case (24)
Mirinda - P118/case (24)
Mt. Dew 12oz. - P192/case (24)
7Up 12oz. - P192/case (24)
7Up 8oz. - P132/case (24)
Gatorade 8oz. - P210/case (24)
Mirinda - P118/case (24)
Mt. Dew 12oz. - P192/case (24)
7Up 12oz. - P192/case (24)
7Up 8oz. - P132/case (24)
Gatorade 8oz. - P210/case (24)
Asia Brewery
Cobra - P216/case (24)
Tanduay Ice - P480/case (24)
Cobra - P216/case (24)
Tanduay Ice - P480/case (24)
San Miguel Brewery
SMB Pale Pilsen - P590/case (24)
San Mig Light - P658/case (24)
San Mig Apple - P580/case (24)
Red Horse Beer - P410/case (12)
SMB Pale Pilsen - P590/case (24)
San Mig Light - P658/case (24)
San Mig Apple - P580/case (24)
Red Horse Beer - P410/case (12)
RC Cola
RC Cola 8oz. - P148/case (24)
RC Flavors 8oz. (Fruit Soda, Lemon, Rootbeer, Seetrus) - P148/case (24)
RC Mega (RC Cola, Fruit Soda, Lemon) - P220/case (12)
Please note that the prices stated here are NOT the SRP or the standard market price for each product. A plus/minus of five to ten pesos is advised.
RC Flavors 8oz. (Fruit Soda, Lemon, Rootbeer, Seetrus) - P148/case (24)
RC Mega (RC Cola, Fruit Soda, Lemon) - P220/case (12)
Please note that the prices stated here are NOT the SRP or the standard market price for each product. A plus/minus of five to ten pesos is advised.
Your location, if not obvious, would play a crucial role in the set-up and success of your business. If you plan to have it in your own place, you need to consider at least two things:
- the storage area where you can stock at least 50 or more cases and
- free delivery
Since you're not strategically located on a commercial spot, offering free delivery is the way to go in order to boost your sales. You can do this in three ways:
- do it yourself, to limit your expenses to only gasoline and some other occasional maintenance fees for your vehicle (e.g. flat tires, welding, tune-up, etc.),
- hire someone or
- find a person willing to do business with you in a win-win scenario where he will do the selling and delivery and you'll give him discount. You earn, he earns. The only caveat for this set-up is that he may realize how huge the potential is if he decides to open up his own business instead of just getting the products from you.
If you prefer to put up your store in a commercial area, you (most likely) won't need to offer free delivery services anymore. This is because of the high foot traffic that your business will get because it's what you paid for, in the first place. The disadvantages, on the other hand, are higher operational costs for your employees (since you can't do it alone), rental, water and electrical fees.
How much you'll need
You may plan to start small and then add more capital as you learn more about the business. You can even go to junkshops or closed stores to find empty cases and bottles that are relatively cheaper compared when you buy them at your distributor.
Currently, here's what you need to know about the cases:
Currently, here's what you need to know about the cases:
- Small cases have 24 bottles each; where a case costs P42 while each small bottle costs P2. Therefore, 1 case with complete empty bottles would cost P42 + (24 x P2) = P90.
- Big cases have 12 bottles each; where a case costs P52 while each big bottle costs P4. Therefore, 1 case with complete empty bottles would cost P52 + (12 x P4) = 100.
Sample Computation 1
*10 cases of RC Cola 8oz.
RC Cola:
P112 x 10 = P1,120
P90 x 10 = P900
TOTAL: P2,020
Sample Computation 2
*20 cases of assorted Coke/Royal/Sprite Kasalo
P170 x 20 = P3,400
P100 x 20 = P2,000
TOTAL: P5,400
Sample Computation 3
*30 cases of Red Horse beer
Red Horse:
P405 x 30 = P12,150
P110 x 30 = P3,300
TOTAL: P15,450
Establish your market
Once you have your initial stocks, start letting the community know about your business. Make some calls to friends nearby who owns stores and ask if you can be their supplier. Check out your calendar and look for dates for known occasions such as fiestas. Prepare small business cards and a printed price list of your available products. Again, one of the advantages of being in a commercial area is that you don't have to do these things anymore.
Dealing with Spoilage
One of the most common problem with this kind of business is spoilage. These are the products that no longer have sale value because of either breakage, expiry or manufacturing defects. You must also take note that products that are contained in plastic bottles have shorter shelf life (about 3 to 4 months from manufacturing) compared to those contained in glass bottles. Always check the expiry label in plastic bottles to ensure that you don't overstock. A product may have 4 months period before expiry date, but remember that they are not being delivered to you after production. Meaning, they are transferred or stored from the plant to the warehouse so by the time it reaches you, the product may only have 1 month shelf life!
Dealing with Bottles and Cases
Monitor your growth
Dealing with Bottles and Cases
When it gets really hot, bottles have a higher tendency to break on their own even if it's just stacked or while in transit (I was not exempted, there was one time when I pulled a case upwards and one bottle broke, good thing I did not hurt myself). The solution is to simply store them in a location that is not exposed to sun light, or spray some water before being delivered to cool down the temperature (just advise your customers to wipe them upon delivery to prevent rusting on caps). Also, do not stock more than 5 cases.
Promos and Marketing
Your customers are people - which makes it a no brainer to tell that giving them gifts will boost their loyalty to you. It's a simple way to show your appreciation for their patronage. A calendar, bottle opener, mug or umbrella are the common ones. You may also do a simple point-based reward system, where your customer gets a gift based on the sales you made on them (example 200-peso umbrella for Pedro and 50-peso mug for Jose). Make sure to announce the mechanics to them in order to avoid jealousy and misunderstandings.
You can also partner with existing establishments such as carinderias, sari-sari stores, canteens, bars, food stands and bakeries to expand your market. Reward them with special pricing or discounts for bulk orders.
Take care of your customers
It takes months to establish a solid relationship and only one late or failed delivery to ruin everything. This is fairly true especially when your competition in the area is tight. Customers tend to have this "privileged" attitude that they feel they can replace you anytime with other suppliers.
Save their contact numbers both in your phone and a notebook. In case your phone is lost or gets corrupted, you can easily inform them of your new phone number via call or text. Want more tip? Ask for their birthday and have them marked on your calendar. A simple text or call will surely be appreciated. You may also give them a simple gift if you wish.
Save their contact numbers both in your phone and a notebook. In case your phone is lost or gets corrupted, you can easily inform them of your new phone number via call or text. Want more tip? Ask for their birthday and have them marked on your calendar. A simple text or call will surely be appreciated. You may also give them a simple gift if you wish.
Register your business
Regardless if your business is in a commercial area or in your own place, registering your business is still a responsibility. The usual checklist would include:
- Brgy. Business Permit
- DTI Registration (valid for 5 years)
- BIR Registration
- Mayor's Permit
Monitor your growth
Lastly, you need to monitor how your business is performing. Are you actually earning or just having enough to cover-up your expenses? One good way to do this is to have a simple spreadsheet (Excel) to list down all your expenses in a day or month, and your sales.
You can also use this to list down all your existing customers, their contact details and the last date when he or she placed an order so you can always get back on them. For example, if a customer has not been placing orders for over a month, then you can ask them why to find out. Did they replaced you as their supplier because someone offered them lower prices compared to yours? Or did their business closed? At least you would know and this could help you strategize.
On taking profits
On taking profits
Much like a sari-sari store, your earnings from being a softdrinks and/or beer sub-dealer would only range between 2 to 20 pesos per case. Again, that's per case and NOT per bottle. So the number of sales is really the key to earning more. For example, if the profit per case of Red Horse beer is just P4, yet you're able to sell at least 50 cases per day, then that's 200 pesos profit per day for Red Horse alone!
You can take the profit in your business with the approach you want best for you. But here's my advise: NEVER TAKE PROFIT ON THE FIRST YEAR OF YOUR BUSINESS. When we started, we agreed that we will only take profits after the first year of the business. Meaning, all the earnings were rolled over on the business so we can grow it.
When you're ready to earn the fruits of your hardwork, you can apply the Rule of 10 (meaning, you just get the 10% of the sales for each day as your profit), or you can save a fixed amount each day. You can also apply what we do in our business: we only get 50% of the net earnings. The remaining 50% is further divided into two: 20% is rolled over and 30% is saved on a local bank only to be used for future or major expenses (such as buying new delivery trike, store construction, etc.)
Contact Details
Are you excited to start but have no clue where to start? You can try asking stall or mini-grocery owners about the contact number of the agents that roam around your area. If you can't, then you may try contacting them directly. How?
Here's a little bonus. I'm listing all active contact details for each of the major distributors. From the headquarters, you'll probably be transferred to the nearest agent or warehouse in your area. Just be patient as some response takes a day or two. Note that the information posted herein are all publicly available on their respective websites and I do not guarantee that everything is active and working:
Coca-Cola Philippines
Tel: (02) 834-0526
Mobile: 0923-845-5930
Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc.
Tel: (02) 88PEPSI
RC Cola
Tel: (02) 712-0941
San Miguel
Tel: (02) 632-BEER
Mobile: 0922-632-2337
Emperador, Inc.
Tel: (632) 421-0671
Your Turn
How was it? Did you find these tips helpful? If you're running this kind of business as well, please share your ideas and experiences on the comments section so other people can learn from you as well.
Contact Details
Are you excited to start but have no clue where to start? You can try asking stall or mini-grocery owners about the contact number of the agents that roam around your area. If you can't, then you may try contacting them directly. How?
Here's a little bonus. I'm listing all active contact details for each of the major distributors. From the headquarters, you'll probably be transferred to the nearest agent or warehouse in your area. Just be patient as some response takes a day or two. Note that the information posted herein are all publicly available on their respective websites and I do not guarantee that everything is active and working:
Coca-Cola Philippines
Tel: (02) 834-0526
Mobile: 0923-845-5930
Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc.
Tel: (02) 88PEPSI
RC Cola
Tel: (02) 712-0941
San Miguel
Tel: (02) 632-BEER
Mobile: 0922-632-2337
Emperador, Inc.
Tel: (632) 421-0671
Your Turn
How was it? Did you find these tips helpful? If you're running this kind of business as well, please share your ideas and experiences on the comments section so other people can learn from you as well.
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Ang galing naman po! Very detailed and informative. Thank you and GBU!
ReplyDeleteaw! Thank you ^_^
DeleteSir nag dealer po aq softdrink . Mbabagsakan nyo po b kmi ng coca cola.
DeletePanu po ba magstart? balak ko po sana mkipag dealer ng softdrinks pero magkano po dapat eh capital?
Deletepwede poh bah 30 kadalo at 30 litro ?
DeleteIto matagal ko na gusto simulant eh no idea nga lang. tnx!!
ReplyDeleteSimulan na yan!
DeletePwd poh Bang kht 30 cases muna ang kunin?? Ung mix??? Na pang start ng negosyo?? Mga magkano poh kaya yon?
Deleteok n pu ba mga 40k ang capital?
ReplyDeleteok po na business ito meron kami nagstart kami coke products lang then nagdagdag kami ng alak kasi mabenta sya. ung ahente nila mismo nagpunta sa pwesto namin. matrabaho na negosyo pero ok ang kita basta masipag po.
ReplyDeletehello meron po b kayong ahente pls nmn bka meron text lng ako salamat, 09386160901
Deleteinterested po aq. salamat at nagka-idea
ReplyDeleteJust wow! What a detailed guide on what I needed to know! Sana lang di matuloy ang sugar tax. :(
ReplyDeletemga ilan po kaya ang minimum na dami ng order para makapagsimula?
ReplyDeletewala naman po dipindi lang sa kung magkanu ang kaya ng budget mu kami nagistart lang sa 30 case mix tapus dagdag nalang paunti unti
DeletePanu po maging dealer po dto.marikina lilac po...
DeleteOkay sana business ito kaso may dagdag sa tax. haaaay
ReplyDeletehi, may tindahan yung mama ko. yung namimili ng soft drinks noon at ngayon the same lang, hindi naman daw na apektuhan ng pag taas ng presyu ang benta nila. Pag tag init malakas, pag tag ulan mahina. yun lang daw nakaka apektu.
DeleteTy so much for this ideas, baka po may dealer kayo dito sa sta rosa nueva ecija. I want to start business asap. Please call me at 09127453647.. ty po ad god bless..
DeleteThanks for these brilliant ideas...Merry christmas po!
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ^_^
DeleteHo sir onquire po ako pls :(
DeleteKatuwa nman mdmi p dng mga generous n tao s mundo. Thank u very much for sharing. Una kong naencounter tong page n eto nung ngssmula ako s stock market at upon searching for ideas ng softdrink dealership again meron dn pla sya nathrill ako ksi for sure detailed at well explained ito at hndi nga ako ngakamli.Good karma will definitely hit u back, again thanks a lot for sharing!
ReplyDeleteWow! Salamat po ng marami, nakaka-sipag lalo pag ganyan. :P
DeleteThe very first article of this blog was about investing in stocks (way back 2014 pa!), so thank you for checking back. Please subscribe (if you haven't yet) to this blog for updates, especially when a new article is out. Just click this link po:
Thank you and Good Luck to you and your future plans!
Cheers! ^_^
Binasa ko ang buong article nio sir at salamat s mga ideas very detailed ang lahat ng info.actually gusto ng misis q ng magstart at subukan nmin ang softdrinks business kya ngaun pinagaaralan q lahat.sir ung 200,000 swak n po ba to start with.isama n natin jan ang mga permits.salamat sir
DeleteThanks for the info!!! This will be my guide for my bness
ReplyDeleteWelcome! ^_^
DeleteI need softdrinks dealer along brgy don bosco paranaque thanks.
ReplyDeleteHi sana po ma-update ang prices. thank you!
ReplyDeletepaano po yung taxation.... non vat ako and vat ang mga suppliers... 3% po monthly ko what if 200 yung srp ng softdrinks and income ko is 9 pesos discount as a wholesaler including na po sa 200... diba 3 percent po is 6 pesos. so income ko per case is 3 pesos lang?
ReplyDeletekung distributor po kayo ng softdrinks, dapat po vatable po kayo... madali na po kasi ma.check ng bir ngayon thru TIN numbers.. kapag may mga inggetera sa inyo at pina.check record nyo sa bir, malaki po multa ninyo lalo na kung malakihan ang purchase ninyo direct from softdrinks company.
DeleteMay nagdedeliver poh ba Kayo dto sa bugallon pangasinan
DeleteThank you sir Jeff
ReplyDeleteMy nkita qng nagbbenta mga bote ng sofdrinks. Mgnda pa cmula.slamat dito
ReplyDeleteWelcome po! Good luck sa business ninyo. ^_^
Deletemay updated pricelist po kayo?
DeleteMeron po ba kayong softdrinks at beer distributor na pwede Kong kausapin para sa kanila na lang ako kukuha mg products na uumpisahan ko para imaging dealer ako sa mga stores at groceries dito sa aming byan ng Minalin Pampanga.Maraming salamat po.
Deletehello sir jeff. ask ko lang po kung sa 30 case na minimum na delivery. pwede po ba assorted or isang brand lang po ??
ReplyDeleteDepende po yun sa dealer/distributor. Normally pwede naman assorted.
DeleteGusto ko po mag dealer pano po mag start interesado po ako.
Deletei had a bad experienced with the dealer in our area, gusto ko sana kumuha sa ibang dealer pero ayaw kami bigyan dahil inaaway daw sila ng dealer na sumasakop sa area namin. Paano po kaya yung ganun? It's like I have no choice kundi manatili sa kanila kumuha.
ReplyDeletebaka po gusto nyo may binebenta ako empty bottles with case
ReplyDeleteCoke 8oz, 12oz, kasalo
Sprite 8oz, 12oz
Pop cola
RC litro
Red horse litro
Red horse 500ml
San Mig Light
RFS magsasarado na po store namin
location nyo po Sir?
DeleteHow much po per case ng redhorse 500 mo at yung litro
Deletebaka po meron kayong
Deletenumber ng dealer po along manila slamat po
good day po mrn kyo alam na supplier ng imported n alak? balak ko po kse mag open ng small liquor shop thanks po
DeleteYou may ask directly po sa office ng brands na gusto ninyo and they will refer you sa sales office or agents nila.
Good Luck!
Helo guys. Sino po may alam na dealer sa bataan area. Willing magdeliver sa limay, bataan. Please message me through email:
ReplyDeleteOr search me in facebook.
Panalo to! Nkausap n po ng aswa k amg taga coca cola since ofw po ako. Tama po b n ang babayaran lng namin ang bote or prang mglagay kmi ng amount don as a deposit at dna namin kelangan ang kapital tapos once n ayaw n nmin ibalik nman dw ang pera b dineposit namin s knila? Thank u in advance s reply kc malayo po ako eh kaya gusto klang e clarify kung merong tlagang ganun.
ReplyDeleteSalamat po! ^_^
DeleteYes po or ibenta nyo sa ibang dealers.
Good Luck!
How much po need na capital??thank you po..
ReplyDeleteMultiply nyo lang po ang price per case sa dami ng inventory na gusto nyo.
DeletePuede po bang bumili n product na nais directly sa main supplier. Applicable pa ba yung buy 10 cases and get extra case free.
DeleteSana meron akong ma contact na dealer ditto sa pulilan bulacan gusto ko kasing magbusiness nyan nuon pa dahil walang gaanung supplier ditto
ReplyDeletemadaming dealer dyan sa pulilan po. san po ba kayo banda sa pulilan?
Deletethank you for sharing! very informative and helpful.
ReplyDeleteWelcome ^_^
DeleteWow!ang sarap basahin,hindi lang basa ang ginawa ko cnulat ko pa dahil interisado ako sa business na'ito,ang galing nang pagka explained papasok agad sa brain mo,salamat ng marami
ReplyDeleteSalamat po ^_^
Deletesir. ilan po minimum order s coke? at magkano po per case n coke kasalo at mismo?
DeleteThank you so idea...😂
ReplyDeleteHi po goodmorning. Gusto ko lang po sana magtanong kung my idea po ba kayo kung meron or kung saan ang dealer ng softdrinks and beer sa oriental mindoro, gusto ko po sana kasi n maging subdealer doon samin pinamalayan oriental mindoro po...maraming salamat po. Godbless
ReplyDeleteThank you po very informative. Plan di namin ito baka may nkakaalam ng dealer sa taal o halang batangas. 🤔09124132470 contact me. TIA!
ReplyDeleteThank you sa idea sir. It helps a lot
ReplyDeleteGood morning po may pwede po ba kayong i refer na dealer dito sa amin. Pangit po kasi service ng dealer ko ngayon. Batasan quezon city po location ko
ReplyDeleteGood job! Helps a lot
ReplyDeleteGood day sir jeffrey Im so lucky I found this article. I am now considering this business since last week I hope I can talk to you more about this. Ive been a public school teacher for almost 12 years now at gusto ko nrin pong magkaroon ng extra.
ReplyDeleteThank you! You can email me. Just be specific with your questions po.
ReplyDeleteGood morning sir / ma'am, maari po bang malaman ang bentahan ng mga softdrinks at beer ngayon. Per case po ng coca-cola products; litro, kasalo, 8oz, mismo, sparkle big at small.
ReplyDeleteSan Miguel Brewery; RH500ml, RHlitro, RHstallion, San Mig Light, Flavoured Beer at pale pilsen.
Pepsi cola; pepsi litro, pepsi&mountain dew 750ml, mountain dew 12oz, pepsi&mountain dew 8oz, sting, gatorade(BB), at tropicana. Uumpisahan ko na po kasi ang business na ito dito sa lugar namin. God Bless po...
Hello Sir,
DeleteActually, most of the price in this post is updated already, reflecting TRAIN Law. However, I can't give you the exact cost due to the following reason:
Price varies from one location to another. Yes, even if the same product was produced by Coke, for example, the price is different in Manila with that in Cebu, etc.
What you can do is directly research the supplier in your area and contact them.
Good Luck :)
interested po ako! ito na po hinihintay ko pero now kaka open ko lang. . pero mas mura dito gusto kona itry po ito!
ReplyDeletepangalan po ng stor namin atet and peng!
Deleteito po mobile 09755553783 pls po need ko po kayo para sa kinabukasan ko! atat na po ako! salamat!
Deletehi po magstart po ako ng business as dealership manila area po saan po ako makakuha ng supplier?
ReplyDeletepa advice po baka my kilala kayo supplier sa cabuyao laguna? balak ko mag start ng business na ito. salamat sa tutulong.
ReplyDeleteNeed idea for business coke ask kolang po how much ang ompisa..
ReplyDeleteGreetings po! Pepsi distribution po yung business namin and I found your article helpful though di nyo lang po yung tips for monitoring po especially ng empties... baka meron po kayong program or ms excel na efficient recording for empties para po madali ma.monitor yung breakage, b.o, borrowed, returned at yung may mga deposit. Thank you po for any kind assistance. God Bless.
ReplyDeleteMagkano po ba ang dapat starting capital? wala po bang requirement ang brand kung magkano dapat ang Initial investment?
ReplyDeleteMay store po kami at balak ko rin mag put up nitong business dito rin kung saan ang store namin. . Need ko pa rin ba kumuha ng mga permit separate sa business permit ng store namin? Thanks in advance for your reply.
ReplyDeletehi sir, well explained po, ask ko lang po sana kung nsa 5 lang po ba ang kita per case? or magkano po? inaaral po kasi namin kung pano at pano ang magiging kita namin. salamat po.
ReplyDeleteSir bka po may referal kayo pede ko pagkunan ng product, planning to be a sub dealèr
ReplyDeleteLocated po ako sa north calóocan, near kiko market
ReplyDeletehow much po starting capital when you start thias business?
ReplyDeletehello. I'm from San Miguel Bulacan. ask ko lang yung mga steps na pwede gawin sa pagkuha ng product.. mag e-mail po muna ba ko dapat sa mga company to ask them kung pwede ako sakanila kumuha directly?? if meron na kasi sabi nyo nga po sigurado ng meron dealer sa place namin, sa mga big company ko ba dapat itatanong kung sino yung legit dealer samin or ang ginawa nyo po ba nagtanong tanong lang kayo sa place nyo? thank you po
ReplyDeletegood day po, nais ko po mag simula sa maliit na halaga paano po kya mag order ng softdrink, at mag kno po kaya per case, may malapit po bng mkukuhanan dito sa area ko nasugbu batangas. COD po b ang payment. sana matulungan nyo ako. eto po email
DeleteGqling ... Salamat sa info....
ReplyDeletePanu po ako makaavail ng chiller nyo para sa maliit Kong tindahan
ReplyDeletethanks sir jeff this article is very helpful.god bless
ReplyDeletethank you so much for this article sir.. God bless you!
ReplyDeleteVery informative naman po. Ang dami kong naku hang idea Para makastart ng gantong business. Salamat po. Mabuhay po kayo.
ReplyDeleteSana pwede derekta g kukuha sa factory
ReplyDeleteBy reading the article nagsimula n kami ng softdrinks wholesaler and retailer bizness.very helpfull po.salamat interested po sa products ng coca cola,san miguel beers and other specific product. hiw can u help me po.i am faye guilay from tabuk city kalinga.can i invest atleast 200000 pesos?im waiting from the admin reply.thnks po
ReplyDeleteMaraming salamat po sa napakagandang impormasyon na ito nakatulong po nang malaki sa akin sa nalalapit na pagbubukas ng aking wholesale and retail store.Salamat po muli ng marami sa may akda.
ReplyDeletehello po mam.. pwedi po magtanong.. magkano po naging capital nyo sa business na to.. dapat po ba may sasakyan? Salamat po 😊
Deletepaanu po kaya maging dealer at magkano po puhunan...
ReplyDeletepanu po maging dealer pick up po ba pag nag order...
ReplyDeleteGreat article! Inspired ako mag apply for dealership. Maganda yung question ng isang commentor dito. Mayroon ba kayong sample spreadsheet for monitoring ng mga bottles?
ReplyDeleteThank you for your enlightening article. Nakaka inspire mag tayo ng dealership. Very detailed and simple to understand ang inyong article.
ReplyDeletehi po maam/sir, im from san jose nueva ecija gusto ko pp sana maging dealer ng softdrinks at liquors san po ba ako pwede mag inquire ng kailangang requirements.salamat po.
ReplyDeleteGud day po! Want ko rin mag start ng delear po !sa malasqui pangasinan .how much po need na capital to start a business.tnx po
ReplyDeleteSalamat po sa informative post nyo. Sir sa ngayon po ilan po ideal capital for starting a business. Gusto q po sana yung coca cola at ung sa San Miguel Beer, Red Horse.. Puerto Princesa City location q. Ty po.
ReplyDeleteSalamat po sa informative post nyo. Sir sa ngayon po ilan po ideal capital for starting a business. Gusto q po sana yung coca cola at ung sa San Miguel Beer, Red Horse.. Puerto Princesa City location q. Ty po.
ReplyDeleteMagkano po kaya aabutin sa pag paregister ng business?
ReplyDeletePwde po kaya mag start kahit 10k lang po ang budget?
ReplyDeleteIlang case po ba na 8oz,litro and beer ang isisimula kasi gusto ko rin idag dag ang sigarilyo at gin malakas din po kasi ang gin sa amin.....please help me to start....
ReplyDeleteGood day po meron pobang minimum order pra makapagstart ng gnito coke mismo lng po sana muna for starting.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThank you po.malaking tulong po ito sa aming kkstart p lng sa gnitong negosyo..god bless po.
ReplyDeleteHello Sir pwd mag ask gusto ko po sana mag purchase ng products nyo paano po sir thanks
ReplyDeletethank you po....i learned alot.
ReplyDeleteSa may Binmaley area saan po pwede kumuha ng products nyo
ReplyDeleteGood day , Maykilala po bah kayu na supplier coke,sprite,royal mismo yong palapit Lang sa IT park Lahug Cebu City.pwede
ReplyDeleteAsk cellphone number?
Thank you 🙏
Pwede ba ako maging dealer po?
ReplyDeleteCapoocan leyte or biliran biliran area po ako
Deletesalamat mag start nako
ReplyDeleteThanks po sa info.. ngaun mas gusto k ito na idagdag sa hanapbuhay namin..
ReplyDeletepapanu po mag start ng ganito na business?
ReplyDeletesa quezon province po ako..sana po matulungan nuo ako gusto ko ng ganitong business
ReplyDeleteHi,from moncada tarlac po aq,gusto ko po sana magstart ng business dto,magkano po need para makapagumpisa aq,softdrinks and redhorse
ReplyDeletePwede po b makuha number,globe po sana tnx
ReplyDeletelike ko po magnegosyo ng beer and sofdrink
ReplyDeleteGood Day! i need dealer or supplier here in Dipolog City Zamboanga del Norte is there someone to give the contact number or contact my number directly 09611202511 Aira
ReplyDeleteLike ko mag business ng soft ??
ReplyDeletethanks for d info.
ReplyDeletegusto q dn start adorable san leonardo nueva ecija area may kilala po b kau supplier mlpit s area q. thanks
Thanks sa info... interesting!
ReplyDeleteMalaki po ba ung tax sa ganitong klasing business?
ReplyDeleteMalaki po ba ung tax sa ganitong klasing business?
ReplyDeleteMga mag kano po ang kailangan para makapag simula sa ganitong nigosyo. Salamat po
ReplyDeleteMalaking tulong po ito atleast meron po akong idea.salamat
ReplyDeletehi po baka may alam po kayo dealer dto sa cavite area plssss contact me nmn po #09302830881/09773348193 this is Mariel po .
ReplyDeletehello po,,,pa advice lng po sana,,,ano po kaya requirments sakali direct na bibili sa planta ng beer?
ReplyDeleteMontalban rizal area po baka po my kilala po kayo dealer ng softdrinks nung nabasa ko po eto naisip ko agad nakakapagod nga pero magandang negosyo po please txt me for info kung meron po dito sa area amin pra po maka kuha ako ng idea salamat 09490328517
ReplyDeleteHello po so di pala ako pwede mag direct sa pagawaan ipapasa din nila ako sa malapit na agent salamat po sa mga idea
ReplyDeleteHello po so di pala ako pwede mag direct sa pagawaan ipapasa din nila ako sa malapit na agent salamat po sa mga idea
ReplyDeletehow to avail coke mismo? I am currently working and at this moment I do selling coke mismo and assorted snacks to my colleague.
ReplyDeleteThanks po sa info. Very interesting Godbless po.
ReplyDeleteThanks po sa info. Very interesting Godbless po.
ReplyDeleteWow!galing naman,help nyo naman Tito ko kc naghahanap ng malapit na supplier or dealer near in Murfy much start or how many boxes required if ung may provide na ref.....pls. help asap.Thank you
ReplyDeletePaano pp magdealer ng mga softdrinks
ReplyDeleteGood day po. Gusto ko pong mag simula nang softdrinks whole saler, my branch po ba kau dito sa bacolod. Paki tawagan nlng po ako sa #ko 09302607049
ReplyDeleteGusto ko maging whole saler ng coca cola magkano po starting at ilang case po kylangan maubos minimum, at paano po mkakakuha ng coca cola refrigerator
ReplyDeletePanu po mag simula nyan sir..?
ReplyDeleteAnu po ba dapat unahin?
Ung permit po ba o kakausapin muna kng san ako kukuha ng mga item?
Pls reply po.. Salamat
paano po ito.. meron kaya dealer dito sa marikina
ReplyDeleteI'm interested po , panu po mag umpisa sa maliit na puhunan ? Near pandi bulacan ,,, how much ang capital ? Sa sa mg uumpisa pa Lang . Thanks ASAP
ReplyDeletesa mga interesado per case po ang kitaan dito sa soft drinks 2 to 7 pesos income per case, sa beer 7 to 10 pesos per case, by volume po ang kitaan dito para mlaki
ReplyDeleteI admire this article for the well-researched content and excellent wording. I got so involved in this material that I couldn’t stop reading. I am impressed with your work and skill. Thank you so much. Nostalgia CRF170COKE Coca Cola refrigerator of 1.7 cubic feet
ReplyDeleteSan banda ito
ReplyDeletePede mkuha number
DeleteHello po meron po ba kayo dealer dito sa cavite contact me-09983743913
ReplyDeletePano po yung process kung manghihiram po ako ng refrigerator para sa mga softdrinks na tinda ko sa tindahan.
ReplyDeleteMay dealer po ba dito sa Commonwealth Quezon City?
ReplyDeletePlease contact me po 0928 3743975
gusto ko po maging dealer , paano po ba? from capiz area.
ReplyDeleteVery informative po. Hope i can also sir jeff for specific questions.ty po.
ReplyDeleteThank You Sir..I am interested to have extra income.I am public school teacher and Im happy Sir for sharing your tips to start a business.I been in sari-sari store it always ended up to Sira-Sira Store..I would like to try this subdealer of CoCa-Cola Products..More Power Sir. God bless.And Thank You once again.
ReplyDeleteThanks po sa idea.. Very helfull! I noted the important detail.Specially I'm on waiting for my distributor application approval.
ReplyDeleteGusto k rin mgdeler d2 sa tanza istana panu po b mkakuha ng product lagi wlang stock sa iba.
ReplyDeleteGusto ko din po sana dito sa sta ana cagayan valley maam matutulungan nio po ba ako sa san miguel at sa coke at pepsi at ok lng ba na ang ilagay sa permit e general merchandise?
ReplyDeleteBaka po gusto nyo may binebenta ako empty bottles with case ng mga bote ng RC cola. qty: more than 100 case location nya ay GMA cavite. RFS: tumigil na sa pagdedeliver ng softdrink. contact 09497295723
ReplyDeleteMy ditributor ba dito sa tanza ng mga softdrink at alak ?
ReplyDeleteHello po, gusto ko po sana maging retailer dito sa lugar namin, kaso nabasa ko po dito na pag meron na existing dealer which is meron na po hjndi na po pwede pero pwede po mag sub dealer sa pagkakaalam ko, paano po ba, gusto ko po sana magsimula being a dealer of san miguel beer products and coca, sana po ma guide po ako what to do, in order for me to start. From Guihulngan City, Negros Oriental po ako.
ReplyDeleteMeron po b kau dealer dito s talavera nueva ecija?
ReplyDeleteVery detailed informations! Thank's! Dapat kapag nagsimula ng business, may other income pa. Kasi kung sa kita ng softdrinks kukunin lahat ng expenses ng pamilya including bills, malulugi talaga.
ReplyDeleteHi piso and beyond. Maari po bang makahinge ng spreadsheet template para sa daily sales inventory at sa expenses? Please kindly send sa email q. Salamat po. GOD bless. :)
ReplyDeleteEto po pala ang email address q:
DeleteNag iisip po talaga ako ng negosyo at nakita ko to. ang lakas po maka motivate! Thank you po More power sa negosyo :)
ReplyDeletePaano Po ninyo ako matulongan about sa drinks supply para sa new store ko thanks po
ReplyDeletePalawan po location ko sir, san po pdeng makakuha ng softdrinks na direct po?
ReplyDeleteMayron po ba kayo alam sa dumaguete city na pagkuhanan ng direct na mga supplier po. Thank you po
ReplyDeleteGosto ko mag small dealer mona Magkano starting
ReplyDeletePwde po mkuha contact # nio?
ReplyDeletePahingi po contact # nio pra mkpag order ako ng gsto kong ibenta..slmat po
ReplyDeleteHi po gusto ko pongmaging dealer ng coke and san mig lite redhorse pano dto ako sa bikol donsol
ReplyDeleteHow to order coke produck
ReplyDeleteDealer kmi s tayuman binangonan rizal....can we talk about u have a number po?
ReplyDeletegood day. kunin ko po contact number po. dito po ako sa san jose del monte bulacan
ReplyDeleteSir gd day po d2 po ako sa bayambang pangadinan. Hndi ko alam kung sino ang kucontakin kong sale agent sana mabigyan nyo ako ito po number ko 09953250516
ReplyDeletePanu po ito umpisaha sir? gusto ko po sana maging dealer ng softdrinks
ReplyDeletepero paanu po ba?magkano po ang puhunan bagu mgdealer po
ReplyDeleteI want po a dealer in cavite
ReplyDeleteHi I just want to know if you have contact details of dealer here in Manial
ReplyDeleteSir pnu po magumpisa maging softdrinks beer dealer
ReplyDeleteThanks sa napaka detalyadong guide. Hoping na maging dealer din po
ReplyDeleteSan location po yan mtagal n kc gusto mag dealer
ReplyDeletepaano mu mag strat maging dealer ng softdrink? balak ko po kasi magbusiness.umpisa muna po sana ako sa softdrink
ReplyDeleteneed po ba my mga docs na bago ko magstart?like bir, permits and other docs?
ReplyDeleteHi po. Ask ko lng kung may distributor dito sa sta. Rosa laguna? Pwede po b makuha ang contact number?
ReplyDeleteSan Carlos City Pangasinan meron po ba kayo?
ReplyDeleteVery informative po thank you
ReplyDeleteHanap po ako ahente,batangas area
ReplyDeleteIm interested po paano maka apply na isang reseller po.. Im here at Naga City of Cebu
ReplyDeleteHow can I be a dealer po? Kindly assist po please. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteAng galing mas naintindihan kopo magbasa dto kesa manuod ng video sa YouTube. Gagawin din po namin mga advise nyo. Thank you and God bless po.
ReplyDeleteI want to become a dealer of many products
ReplyDeleteGusto ko mag start ng business dealer siguro start muna ako sa kunting product lang muna mag kano ba ang starting budget pag mag start ka sa ganyang business?
ReplyDeleteGud morning sir, maam. pwede po ba ako mag avail ng coke product. pm interested. 09556852347.
ReplyDeleteMaam/sir gud morning po... Paano po mag order my minimum po ba... Location ko edsa balintawak lang ko salamat
ReplyDeletehello po good morning,gusto ko po sana maging dealer ask ko po sana kung magkano po starting budget para maging isang dealer,thank you.
ReplyDeleteplease contact us.09464259731
cavite erea po
Pnu po mgdealer jaen area po gusto ko po sna mgcmula kht sa mliit n puhunan lng.